Chevy Chase DC Library, Community Center and Commons
Current aerial view of the site
Our immediate goal is to encourage and maintain the civic, educational, and recreational public use of the Chevy Chase DC Library, Community Center and Commons. Further, it is to ensure that the site’s facilities are restored and updated to become a state-of-the-art library and first-rate community center with improved outdoor recreational and green spaces and on-site parking. Read on to see what the DC Office of Planning has in mind for the site.
Statements from our local leaders:
By Matthew Frumin, Ward 3 Councilmember, Letter to Deputy Mayor Falcicchio
By Robert Gordon, Past President of the Chevy Chase Community Association
Mayor Bowser and Ward 3 Councilmember Frumin are calling for dramatic upzoning of the northernmost blocks of Connecticut Avenue in DC. Their plan calls for “surplussing” and disposing of air rights at the Chevy Chase Commons to a private developer so 80-foot apartment buildings can be built there. Ward 3 Vision is arguing for retail uses on the Commons site as well. This redevelopment will lead to diminished outdoor recreation facilities and green space; consignment of the Library and Community Center to the ground floor(s) of 8-story apartment houses and the loss of a truly public space enjoyed by all. Upzoning along the rest of the avenue will allow buildings 70 feet tall (~7 stories). New construction usually displaces small businesses. No planning has been done to accommodate the increased density, which will further burden schools and utilities, and worsen traffic and pollution.
NC 19, now called NMU-4/CC2, will allow for an 80 foot building on 75% of the lot.
Where’s the green space?
Proposed Upzoning will completely change the character of upper Connecticut Avenue. READ ON.
upper Connecticut Avenue,
Chevy Chase DC
Office of Planning is proposing upzoning for upper Connecticut Avenue corridor between Livingston St. NW and Chevy Chase Circle. NC 18 (special custom zoning for Chevy Chase DC), now called NMU-4/CC1, will allow 70’ high buildings on 80-100% lot coverage. This is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan that was passed by the city council in 2021. The Chevy Chase Small Area Plan adds that MU-4 (mixed used of retail and residential) will predominate the development of upper Connecticut Avenue.
Chevy Chase Small Area Plan 2022 and “custom” upzoning for our “unique situation”
NC 18
Proposed Upzoning will completely change the character of upper Connecticut Avenue:
Chevy Chase Library, Community Center and Commons site: NMU-4/CC2 (formerly NC 19) + PUD + IZ allows an 80' tall building on 75% lot coverage = 25% green space. We currently enjoy 65% green.
NMU-2/CC1 (formerly NC 18) allows 70' tall buildings on all of the 8 Chevy Chase Small Area Plan “opportunity” sites, 80% - 100% lot coverage = 20%-0% green space.
Our current zoning allows 40’ buildings - four stories, and that is what was described in the 2022 Small Area Plan pitched to CC residents.
Low-density housing means less crowding, more privacy. It also means fewer vehicles, more open spaces, and an environment that’s much, much cleaner and healthier.
Chevy Chase Voice supports:
1. keeping all housing off of our Library, Community Center and Commons site;
2. keeping the low rise character of Upper Connecticut Avenue with current 4 story height restrictions;
3. maintaining all current green space and creating new green space;
4. providing affordable housing and social housing with appropriate support services, for all income levels in Ward 3 located at metro transportation hubs, that will conform to current zoning restrictions.